Lab accessories

Made of stainless steel. 5 pcs/pack Not for medical usage Gauge Needle outer diameter in mm Needle inner diameter in mm...
Made of stainless steel. 5 pcs/pack Not for medical usage Gauge Needle outer diameter in mm Needle inner diameter in mm...
screw cap made of PP distributor made of stainless steel
Material: PP, Transparent.
Made of Plastic.
Material: Stainless steel Mesh to Micron Conversion Table U.S. MESH INCHES MICRONS MILLIMETERS 3 0.265 6730 6.73 4...
Made of Porcelain. Temperature stable up to 1000 °C.
made of silicone for Pasteur pipettes 10 pcs/pack
Made of plastic PS 10 units/pack
Made of Porcelain. glazed inside. Semi-deep form with round bottom. Temperature stable up to 1000 °C.